
When an error occurs, Horizon responds with a JSON document with the below attributes.


  • type URL

    The type of Status Code returned.

  • title string

    A short title describing the Status Code, which can be used to lookup more information about an error.

  • status number

    A short title describing the Status Code, which can be used to lookup more information about an error.

  • detail string

    A short title describing the Status Code, which can be used to lookup more information about an error.

  • extras array

    If the Status Code is Transaction Failed, this extras field displays the Result Code returned by Stellar Core describing why the transaction failed. Hide child attributes

    • envelope_xdr string

      A base64-encoded representation of the TransactionEnvelope XDR whose failure triggered this response.

    • result_xdr string

      A base64-encoded representation of the TransactionResult XDR returned by stellar-core when submitting this transaction.

    • result_codes.transaction string

      The transaction Result Code returned by Stellar Core, which can be used to lookup more information about an error in the docs.

    • result_codes.operations array

      An array of operation Result Codes returned by Stellar Core, which can be used to lookup more information about an error in the docs.

  "type": "",
  "title": "Transaction Failed",
  "status": 400,
  "detail": "The transaction failed when submitted to the stellar network. The `extras.result_codes` field on this response contains further details.  Descriptions of each code can be found at:",
  "extras": {
    "result_codes": {
      "transaction": "tx_failed",
      "operations": ["op_no_source_account"]
    "result_xdr": "AAAAAAAAAGT/////AAAAAf////4AAAAA"

Last updated