Manage Data

These are result codes that communicate success (200) or failure (400) specific to the Manage Data operation.

Learn more about the Manage Data operation.


    Manage data operation has executed successfully.

  • op_not_supported_yet MANAGE_DATA_NOT_SUPPORTED_YET

    The network hasn’t moved to this protocol change yet. This failure means the network doesn’t support this feature yet.

  • op_data_name_not_found MANAGE_DATA_NAME_NOT_FOUND

    Trying to remove a Data Entry that isn’t there. This will happen if Name is set (and Value isn’t) but the Account doesn’t have a DataEntry with that Name.

  • op_low_reserve MANAGE_DATA_LOW_RESERVE

    This account does not have enough XBN to satisfy the minimum XBN reserve increase caused by adding a subentry and still satisfy its XBN selling liabilities. For every new DataEntry added to an account, the minimum reserve of XBN that account must hold increases.

  • op_data_invalid_name MANAGE_DATA_INVALID_NAME

    Name not a valid string.

Last updated

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