
import { CodeExample } from "components/CodeExample";

To ensure that your instance of Horizon is performing correctly, we encourage you to monitor it, and provide both logs and metrics to do so.

Horizon will output logs to standard out. Information about what requests are coming in will be reported, but more importantly, warnings or errors will also be emitted by default. A correctly running Horizon instance will not output any warning or error log entries.

Metrics are collected while a Horizon process is running and they are exposed at the /metrics path. You can see an example at

Below we present a few standard log entries with associated fields. You can use them to build metrics and alerts. Please note that these represent Horizon app metrics only. You should also monitor your hardware metrics like CPU or RAM Utilization.

Starting HTTP request

Finished HTTP request


Using the entries above you can build metrics that will help understand performance of a given Horizon node. For example:

  • Number of requests per minute.

  • Number of requests per route (the most popular routes).

  • Average response time per route.

  • Maximum response time for non-streaming requests.

  • Number of streaming vs. non-streaming requests.

  • Number of rate-limited requests.

  • List of rate-limited IPs.

  • Unique IPs.

  • The most popular SDKs/apps sending requests to a given Horizon node.

  • Average ingestion time of a ledger.

  • Average ingestion time of a transaction.


Below are example alerts with potential causes and solutions. Feel free to add more alerts using your metrics:

I'm Stuck! Help!

If any of the above steps don't work or you are otherwise prevented from correctly setting up Horizon, please join our community and let us know. Either post a question at our Stack Exchange or chat with us on Keybase in #dev_discussion to ask for help.

Last updated