
When Horizon returns information about an account, it uses the following format:


  • id string

    A unique identifier for this account.

  • account_id string

    This account’s public key encoded in a base32 string representation.

  • sequence number

    This account’s current sequence number. For use when submitting this account’s next transaction.

  • subentry_count number

    The number of subentries on this account.

  • home_domain string

    The domain that hosts this account’s stellar.toml file.

  • last_modified_ledger number

    The ID of the last ledger that included changes to this account.

  • num_sponsoring number

    The number of reserves sponsored by this account.

  • num_sponsored number

    The number of reserves sponsored for this account.

  • sponsor string (optional)

    The account ID of the sponsor who is paying the reserves for this account.

  • thresholds object

    Operations have varying levels of access. This field specifies thresholds for different access levels, as well as the weight of the master key. Hide child attributes

    • low_threshold number

      The weight required for a valid transaction including the Allow Trust and Bump Sequence operations.

    • med_threshold number

      The weight required for a valid transaction including the Create Account, Payment, Path Payment, Manage Buy Offer, Manage Sell Offer, Create Passive Sell Offer, Change Trust, Inflation, and Manage Data operations.

    • high_threshold number

      The weight required for a valid transaction including the Account Merge and Set Options operations.

  • flags object

    Flags denote the enabling/disabling of certain asset issuer privileges. Hide child attributes

    • auth_immutable boolean

      If set to true, none of the following flags can be changed.

    • auth_required boolean

      If set to true, anyone who wants to hold an asset issued by this account must first be approved by this account.

    • auth_revocable boolean

      If set to true, this account can freeze the balance of a holder of an asset issued by this account.

  • balances object

    The assets this account holds.Hide child attributes

    • balance string

      The number of units of an asset held by this account.

    • buying_liabilities string

      The sum of all buy offers owned by this account for this asset.

    • selling_liabilities string

      The sum of all sell offers owned by this account for this asset.

    • limit number (optional)

      The maximum amount of this asset that this account is willing to accept. Specified when opening a trustline.

    • asset_type string

      Either native, credit_alphanum4, or credit_alphanum12.

    • asset_code string (optional)

      The code for this asset.

    • asset_issuer string (optional)

      The Stellar address of this asset’s issuer.

    • sponsor string (optional)

      The account ID of the sponsor who is paying the reserves for this trustline.

  • signers array of objects

    The public keys and associated weights that can be used to authorize transactions for this account. Used for multi-sig.Hide child attributes

    • public_key string

      REMOVED in 0.17.0: USE key INSTEAD.

    • weight number

      The numerical weight of a signer. Used to determine if a transaction meets the threshold requirements.

    • sponsor string (optional)

      The account ID of the sponsor who is paying the reserves for this signer.

    • key string

      A hash of characters dependent on the signer type.

    • type string

      The type of hash for this signer.Hide child attributes

      • ed25519_public_key

        A normal Stellar public key.

      • sha256_hash

        The SHA256 hash of some arbitrary x. Adding a signature of this type allows anyone who knows x to sign a transaction from this account. Note: Once this transaction is broadcast, x will be known publicly.

      • preauth_tx

        The hash of a pre-authorized transaction. This signer is automatically removed from the account when a matching transaction is properly applied.

  • data object

    An array of account data fields.

  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "https://expansion-testnet.bantu.network/accounts/GDI73WJ4SX7LOG3XZDJC3KCK6ED6E5NBYK2JUBQSPBCNNWEG3ZN7T75U"
    "transactions": {
      "href": "https://expansion-testnet.bantu.network/accounts/GDI73WJ4SX7LOG3XZDJC3KCK6ED6E5NBYK2JUBQSPBCNNWEG3ZN7T75U/transactions{?cursor,limit,order}",
      "templated": true
    "operations": {
      "href": "https://expansion-testnet.bantu.network/accounts/GDI73WJ4SX7LOG3XZDJC3KCK6ED6E5NBYK2JUBQSPBCNNWEG3ZN7T75U/operations{?cursor,limit,order}",
      "templated": true
    "payments": {
      "href": "https://expansion-testnet.bantu.network/accounts/GDI73WJ4SX7LOG3XZDJC3KCK6ED6E5NBYK2JUBQSPBCNNWEG3ZN7T75U/payments{?cursor,limit,order}",
      "templated": true
    "effects": {
      "href": "https://expansion-testnet.bantu.network/accounts/GDI73WJ4SX7LOG3XZDJC3KCK6ED6E5NBYK2JUBQSPBCNNWEG3ZN7T75U/effects{?cursor,limit,order}",
      "templated": true
    "offers": {
      "href": "https://expansion-testnet.bantu.network/accounts/GDI73WJ4SX7LOG3XZDJC3KCK6ED6E5NBYK2JUBQSPBCNNWEG3ZN7T75U/offers{?cursor,limit,order}",
      "templated": true
    "trades": {
      "href": "https://expansion-testnet.bantu.network/accounts/GDI73WJ4SX7LOG3XZDJC3KCK6ED6E5NBYK2JUBQSPBCNNWEG3ZN7T75U/trades{?cursor,limit,order}",
      "templated": true
    "data": {
      "href": "https://expansion-testnet.bantu.network/accounts/GDI73WJ4SX7LOG3XZDJC3KCK6ED6E5NBYK2JUBQSPBCNNWEG3ZN7T75U/data/{key}",
      "templated": true
  "sequence": "24739097524306468",
  "subentry_count": 3,
  "inflation_destination": "GDI73WJ4SX7LOG3XZDJC3KCK6ED6E5NBYK2JUBQSPBCNNWEG3ZN7T75U",
  "home_domain": "tempo.eu.com",
  "last_modified_ledger": 23569316,
  "num_sponsoring": 0,
  "num_sponsored": 0,
  "thresholds": {
    "low_threshold": 5,
    "med_threshold": 0,
    "high_threshold": 0
  "flags": {
    "auth_required": false,
    "auth_revocable": true,
    "auth_immutable": false
  "balances": [
      "balance": "1.0000005",
      "limit": "922337203685.4775807",
      "buying_liabilities": "0.0000000",
      "selling_liabilities": "0.0000000",
      "last_modified_ledger": 22651481,
      "is_authorized": true,
      "asset_type": "credit_alphanum4",
      "asset_code": "EURT",
      "balance": "0.0000000",
      "limit": "922337203685.4775807",
      "buying_liabilities": "0.0000000",
      "selling_liabilities": "0.0000000",
      "last_modified_ledger": 7877447,
      "is_authorized": false,
      "asset_type": "credit_alphanum4",
      "asset_code": "PHP",
      "balance": "0.0000000",
      "limit": "922337203685.4775807",
      "buying_liabilities": "0.0000000",
      "selling_liabilities": "0.0000000",
      "last_modified_ledger": 20213845,
      "is_authorized": true,
      "asset_type": "credit_alphanum4",
      "asset_code": "NGN",
      "balance": "198.8944970",
      "buying_liabilities": "0.0000000",
      "selling_liabilities": "0.0000000",
      "asset_type": "native"
  "signers": [
      "weight": 10,
      "type": "ed25519_public_key"
  "data": {},
  "paging_token": ""

Last updated

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