
Transactions are commands that modify the ledger state. They consist of a list of anywhere from 1 to 100 operations, and they are signed, submitted to the network, and considered for inclusion in the transaction set via SCP. They contain the operations used to send payments, enter orders into the decentralized exchange, change settings on accounts, and authorize accounts to hold assets. If you think of the ledger as a database, then transactions are SQL commands.

Transaction Attributes

Each transaction has the following attributes:

Source Account

The account that originates the transaction. This account also provides the fee and sequence number for the transaction.


Each transaction incurs a fee, which is paid by the source account. When you submit a transaction, you set the maximum that you are willing to pay per operation, but you’re charged the minimum fee possible based on network activity. For more info, see transaction fees

Sequence Number

Each transaction has a sequence number associated with the source account. Transactions follow a strict ordering rule when it comes to processing transactions per account in order to prevent double-spending. When submitting a single transaction, you should submit a sequence number 1 greater than the current sequence number. For example, if the sequence number on the account is 4, then the incoming transaction should have a sequence number of 5.

However, if several transactions with the same source account make it into the same transaction set, they are ordered and applied according to sequence number. For example, if you submitted 3 transactions that shared the same source account and the account is currently at sequence number 5, the transactions must have sequence numbers 6, 7, and 8.

List of Operations

Transactions contain an arbitrary list of operations inside them. Typically there is just one operation, but it's possible to have multiple (up to 100). Operations are executed in order as one ACID transaction, meaning that either all operations are applied or none are. If any operation fails, the whole transaction fails. If operations are on accounts other than the source account, then they require signatures of the accounts in question.

List of Signatures

Up to 20 signatures can be attached to a transaction. See Multi-sig for more information. A transaction is considered invalid if it includes signatures that aren't needed to authorize the transaction — superfluous signatures aren't allowed.

Signatures are required to authorize operations and to authorize changes to the source account (fee and sequence number).


The memo contains optional extra information. It is the responsibility of the client to interpret this value. Memos can be one of the following types:

  • MEMO_TEXT : A string encoded using either ASCII or UTF-8, up to 28-bytes long.

  • MEMO_ID : A 64 bit unsigned integer.

  • MEMO_HASH : A 32 byte hash.

  • MEMO_RETURN : A 32 byte hash intended to be interpreted as the hash of the transaction the sender is refunding.

Time Bounds

The optional UNIX timestamp (in seconds), determined by ledger time, of a lower and upper bound of when this transaction will be valid. If a transaction is submitted too early or too late, it will fail to make it into the transaction set. maxTime equal 0 means that it's not set. We highly advise for all transactions to use time bounds, and many SDKs enforce their usage. If a transaction doesn't make it into the transaction set, it is kept around in memory in order to be added to the next transaction set on a best-effort basis. Because of this behavior, we highly advise that all transactions are created with time bounds in order to invalidate transactions after a certain amount of time, especially if you plan to resubmit your transaction at a later time.

Transaction Envelopes

Once a transaction is ready to be signed, the transaction object is wrapped in an object called a Transaction Envelope, which contains the transaction as well as a set of signatures. Most transaction envelopes only contain a single signature along with the transaction, but in multi-signature setups it can contain many signatures.

Ultimately, transaction envelopes are passed around the network and are included in transaction sets, as opposed to raw Transaction objects.

It's of note that each signer signs the hash of the transaction object in addition to the network passphrase. This is done to ensure that a given transaction can only be submitted to the intended network by its signers. For more information, see Network Passphrases.

Validity of a Transaction

To determine if a transaction is valid, many checks take place over the course of the transaction's lifecycle. The following conditions determine whether a transaction is valid:

  • Source Account — The source account must exist on the ledger.

  • Fee — The fee must be greater than or equal to the network minimum fee for the number of operations submitted as part of the transaction. Note that this does not guarantee that the transaction will be applied; it only guarantees that it is valid. In addition, the source account must be able to pay the fee specified. In the case where multiple transactions are submitted but only a subset of them can be paid for, they are checked for validity in order of sequence number.

  • Sequence Number — For the transaction to be valid, the sequence number must be 1 greater than the sequence number stored in the source account account entry when the transaction is applied. This means when checking the validity of multiple transactions with the same source account in a candidate transaction set, they must all be valid transactions and their sequence numbers must be offset by 1 from each other. When it comes to apply time, they are ordered and applied according to their sequence number.

    • For example, if your source account's sequence number is 5 and you submit 3 transactions, all transactions must be considered valid and their sequence numbers must be 6, 7, and 8 in order for any of them to make it into a candidate transaction set.

  • List of Operations — Each operation must pass all of the validity checks for an operation.

  • List of Signatures — In addition to meeting the signature requirements of each operation in the transaction, the following requirements must be met for the transaction:

    • The appropriate network passphrase was part of the transaction hash that was signed by each of the signers. See Network Passphrases for more.

    • The combined weight of all signatures for the source account of the transaction meets the low threshold for the source account. This is necessary in order for fees to be taken and the sequence number to be incremented later in the transaction lifecycle.

  • Memo — The memo type must be a valid type, and the memo itself must be adhere to the formatting of the memo type.

  • Time Bounds — The transaction must be submitted within the set time bounds of the transaction, otherwise it will be considered invalid.

Transaction Lifecycle

  1. Creation (Transaction Creator): A user creates a transaction by setting the source account, sequence number, list of operations and their respective parameters, fee, and optionally a memo and timebounds. You can try this out using the Stellar Laboratory.

  2. Signing (Transaction Signers): Once the transaction is completely filled out, the transaction is formed into a transaction envelope, which contains the transaction itself and a list of signers. All the required signatures must be collected and added to the transaction envelope's list of signers. Commonly it's just the signature of the account doing the transaction, but more complicated setups can require collecting signatures from multiple parties.

  3. Submitting (Transaction Submitter): After signing, the transaction must be valid and can now be submitted to the Bantu network. If the transaction is invalid, it will be immediately rejected by stellar-core based on the validity rules of a transaction, the account's sequence number will not be incremented, and no fee will be consumed from the source account. Multiple transactions for the same account can be submitted, provided each of their sequence numbers are off by one. If they are all valid, Stellar Core will craft a transaction set with each of those transactions applied in sequence number order. Transactions are typically submitted using Horizon, but you can also submit the transaction directly to an instance of Stellar Core.

  4. Propagating (Validator): Once Stellar Core has determined that a transaction is valid, it will then propagate the transaction to all of the other servers to which it's connected. In this way, a valid transaction is flooded to the entire Bantu network.

  5. Crafting a candidate transaction set (Validator): When it's time to close the ledger, each Stellar Core validator (a Stellar Core node participating in consensus) takes all valid transactions it is aware of since the last ledger close and collects them into a candidate transaction set. If it hears about any incoming transactions now, it puts them aside for the next ledger close. If the number of operations in the candidate transaction set is greater than the maximum number of operations per ledger, transactions will be prioritized by their fee for inclusion in the set. See the Fees doc for more info.

  6. Nominating a transaction set (Validator): Once each validator has crafted a candidate transaction set, the set is nominated to the network.

  7. Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP) determines the final transaction set (Validator Network): SCP resolves any differences between candidate transaction sets, and ultimately determines a single transaction set to apply, the close time of the ledger, and any upgrades to the protocol that need to be applied network wide at apply time.

    • If a transaction doesn't make it into the transaction set, it is kept around in memory in

      order to be added to the next transaction set on a best effort basis.

    • If a transaction is kept in memory after a certain number of ledger closes, it will be banned

      for several additional ledgers. This means no attempt will be made to include it in a

      candidate transaction set additional ledgers during this time.

  8. Transaction apply order is determined (Validator Network): Once SCP agrees on a particular transaction set, the apply order is computed for the transaction set. This both shuffles the order of the set to create uncertainty for competing transactions and maintains the order of sequence numbers for multiple transactions per account.

  9. Fees are collected (Validator): Fees are collected for all transactions simultaneously.

  10. Application (Validator): Each transaction is applied in the order previously determined. For each transaction, the account's sequence number is consumed (increased by 1), the transaction's validity is checked again, and each operation is applied in the order they occur in the transaction. Operations may fail at this stage due to errors that can occur outside of the transaction and operation validity checks. For example, an insufficient balance for a payment is not checked at submission, and would fail at this time. If any operation fails, the entire transaction will fail, and all previous operations will be rolled back.

  11. Protocol Upgrades (Validator): Finally, upgrades are run if an upgrade took place. This can include arbitrary logic to upgrade the ledger state for protocol upgrades, along with ledger header modifications including the protocol version, base fee, maximum number of operations per ledger, etc. Once this has completed, the life cycle begins anew.

Result Codes

Transactions return a result code listed in a table below. Error reference for operations can be found in List of Operations doc.






All operations contained in the transaction succeeded.





Ledger closeTime before minTime value in the transaction.



Ledger closeTime after maxTime value in the transaction.



No operation was specified.



Sequence number does not match source account.



Too few valid signatures / wrong network.





Source account not found.





Unused signatures attached to transaction.



An unknown error occured.



The transaction type is not supported.



The fee bump inner transaction failed.



The sponsorship is not confirmed.

Last updated

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