Account ID of the sponsor. Every account in the response will either be sponsored by the given account ID or have a subentry (trustline, offer, or data entry) which is sponsored by the given account ID.
asset string (optional)
An issued asset represented as “Code:IssuerAccountID”. Every account in the response will have a trustline for the given asset.
signer string (optional)
Account ID of the signer. Every account in the response will have the given account ID as a signer.
cursor string (optional)
A number that points to a specific location in a collection of responses and is pulled from the paging_token value of a record.
order string (optional)
A designation of the order in which records should appear. Options include asc(ascending) or desc (descending). If this argument isn’t set, it defaults to asc.
limit integer (optional)
The total number of records returned. The limit can range from 1 to 200 - an upper limit that is hardcoded in Horizon for performance reasons. If this argument isn’t designated, it defaults to 10.
var StellarSdk = require("stellar-sdk");
var server = new StellarSdk.Server("");
.then(function (resp) {
.catch(function (err) {